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What We're Reading: Week of August 29, 2022

What We're Reading

Here's what we're reading this week about the projects, people and policies driving local development:

As the post-Labor Day election season gets underway, Maria Quinones-Sanchez and Derek Green have resigned from City Council to announce runs for Mayor, as reported by The Inquirer; Council President Clarke will have to decide when to schedule special elections to fill any Council vacancies

by Sean Collins Walsh, Updated 9/6/22

As American Airlines projects its flight schedule through the end of December, The Philadelphia Business Journal reports that they are reducing the number of flights projected for PHL to avoid later cancellations due to pilot shortages

by Holden Wilen, September 2, 2022

Ballard Spahr reported on additional funding being provided to public housing authorities nationwide to expand the number of Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) available in their service area

by Georgi Banna, September 1, 2022

The Philadelphia Business Journal reports that Parkway Corporation is preparing to partner in a second “build to suit” new office building in the west Center City area, this time as a headquarters for Chubb

by Natalie Kostelni, August 31, 2022

Philadelphia YIMBY reports on the early stage preparations for CHOP’s new proposed 28 story patient tower

by Vitali Ogorodnikov, August 30, 2022

The Inquirer reports that Iron Stone Development has filed zoning permits for 1200 units of new residential units in one high-rise and several mid-rise buildings on the former Provident Mutual campus at 46th and Market, using “as of right” zoning, including the available transit-oriented density

by Jake Blumgart, August 22, 2022

According to Bisnow, Amazon has plans to close 30m square feet of warehouse space nationally, including two large facilities outside of Baltimore

by Adam Bednar, August 31, 2022

WHYY covers the community meeting sponsored by State Rep Jared Solomon to get feedback on the proposed Roosevelt Boulevard subway or light rail line

by Emily Rizzo, August 27, 2022

WHYY highlights the seven roads that will get pedestrian safety improvements with infrastructure funding, but construction is not expected to begin until 2026

by Sophia Schmidt, August 19, 2022

City and State PA relates the rare bi-partisan legislation, introduced by Philadelphia’s “Democratic Socialist” State Senator, Nikil Saval that was made part of the upcoming year’s budget to provide $125 million for home repair work, outreach and contractor training across the Commonwealth

by Justin Sweitzer, August 23, 2022

In a Memo to Members, The National Low Income Housing Coalition explains a bill introduced by Senator Warnock of Georgia to establish a tax credit for cost burdened renters

by the NLIHC, August 29, 2022

The Philadelphia Citizen looks at how other low housing cost locations are leveraging that advantage to attract workers with flexibly remote work employment to build population and the economic advantages of additional well-paid workers and their jobs, suggesting Philadelphia follow that example

by Bruce Katz and Michael Saadine, August 22, 2022



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