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What We're Reading: 3/23/2018

Here's what we're reading this week about the projects, people and policies driving local development:

3/16/18, Larry Platt

The Philadelphia Citizen comes out in support of Councilman Domb’s tax lien securitization proposal.

Hidden City opines on first report out of the Mayor’s Historic Preservation Task Force.

3/19,18, Ethan Lott and Craig Ey

Construction employment took a big dip in Philadelphia over the past year, with a greater decline than most other US cities.

City Council releases statement on the latest round of bills coming out of the Special Committee on Regulatory Review and Reform.

City Council closed a real estate tax payment loophole that was contributing to increased foreclosure rates on homeowners with reverse mortgages:

3/13/18, Claire Sasko

Philadelphia Magazine looks at how designing for all modes of transportation on city streets is necessary to unclog congestion, especially in Center City, looking at implementation in other dense cities.

3/16/18, Jason Laughlin

The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation issued an RFP to recommend transit improvements along the waterfront, from Oregon Ave. to Allegheny Ave.

3/22/18, Alfred Lubrano

Philadelphia’s population continued to gain in 2017, but only slightly. More births than deaths and foreign in migration helped counterbalance a net loss of migration within the US, mostly attributed to young families with school age children leaving the city.


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