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What We're Reading: 8/25/2017

Here's what we're reading this week about the projects, people and policies driving local development:

Rendell, Nutter and Street tried to clean up Philly - now it's Mayor Kenney's turn | Editorial8/11/2017, The Inquirer Editorial Board & The Daily News Editorial Board

Mayor Kenney is the fourth mayor in a row to launch a push against litter in the fight to lose the city’s “Filthadelphia” moniker.

8/9/2017, Greg Windle

There are renewed calls for the School Reform Commission to be abolished and for a return of local control of the Philadelphia School District.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia looks to use its research to propose more inclusive economic growth in the region, including workforce development, job creation, affordable housing and transportation.

Proposed development linkage fees in Los Angeles raise a range of concerns, with either fixed fees having differing impacts across neighborhoods, or with attempts to enact a range of fees across neighborhoods and development types. Econsult Solution’s Lee Huang comments on these complex issues.


Garlen Capita, of Development Workshop member design firm, WRT is named to the Philadelphia Planning Commission.

8/18/2017, Brandon Lausch

As fall term begins, Temple’s main campus is abuzz with construction activity, and completing some projects for the start of classes.


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